About Us

A Water Company that has you as our only goal

We strive to make your water the cleanest, clearest and safest possible.

We have two wells pumping. Well no. 2 was placed in service in 1962 at a depth of 560 ft. Well no.3 was placed in service in 2010 at a depth of 780 ft.

We follow all Louisiana Health Department guidlines. We test our water at multiple locations every day, 365 days a year for quality and to verify there are no contanimates of any sort.


For questions reguarding your service call, 318-600-3332

For water leaks in the system call, 318-600-3332

You can email us at CustomerService@McClendonWater.com

Consumer Confidence Report 2023

Our water system grade is a “B”. Our water system report card can be found at Water Grade